Friday, 6 June 2008

Who am I?

OK, I've just created this blog. Blogs are like beasts that are difficult to train and they tend to have their own life, so it's difficult to predict what will end up here. But my intention is to use this blog to comment about the thoughts that I sometimes have while doing my work, or while using computers.

So, to give people an idea of what sort of things will appear in this blog, I'll just write a few lines about me.

I work as a senior lecturer at Macquarie University. My teaching duties typically include introduction to programming for first-year students, and units about language technology. For example, this is what I was teaching this semester (first semester of 2008):
  • COMP125: Fundamentals of Computer Science
  • COMP348: Document Processing and the Semantic Web
  • COMP448: Advanced Topics in Natural Language Processing
I'm an active member of the Centre for Language Technology, of the Australasian Language Technology Association (ALTA), and of HCSNet, a network of researchers in the area of human communication science.

So, I spend most of my time in front of a computer, either preparing lectures, or doing research on various aspects of language technology... but you can read all about me in my webpage.

Enough for an introduction.

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