Thursday, 24 January 2013

Including mathematical expressions in blogger

Yesterday I spent some time trying to figure out how to include mathematical expressions in blogger. All the solutions that I saw consist of inserting a piece of JavaScript code in the blog template or plugins list. This JavaScript processes LaTeX expressions and renders them in blogger.

After quite a while I managed to make the system work. I used MathJax as the LaTeX rendering machine, and I basically followed the procedure listed here:
I didn't follow exactly what these links do. The first one wasn't very clear, and I didn't manage to make the system work. The second is a video that says more than what you need, especially if you already know how to write LaTeX mathematical expressions. This is what I did:
  1.  At the dashboard, select the blog that you want to use, and then select "Templates" on the menu at the left-hand side.
  2. Select a basic template, not a dynamic template (according to a comment by Sobresaliente to the first link, it doesn't work if you use dynamic templates).
  3. Click "Edit HTML".
  4. Click the box "Expand Widget Templates" (I didn't this in a previous attempt and it didn't work, so make sure that you click on that box!).
  5. Insert the following text at the end of the head section. Insert it at the end, not at the beginning!

That's all. To insert an inline equation, simply enclose the equation between dollar symbols, and to insert an equation centered on the page, enclose it between double dollar symbols. I still need to figure out how to type a dollar symbol without triggering the conversion to LaTeX formulas!

Now I can pretend to be as smart as Einstein and claim that $e=mc^2$. Or, if you want to see one of my posts using mathematical formulas, look at this one:
Since I tried different methods I'm not sure if the above steps will work for everybody, I may have missed something... so if you try it, post your experience here!

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